By pon-3 - 22/06/2012 21:13 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time. Their justification for giving me up for adoption was that I wasn't conceived at the ideal time for them. Apparently, the ideal time was six months after the adoption, when they conceived the first of my two brothers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 957
You deserved it 2 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you got a better deal with your adoptive parents!

awesomeguy1221 4

Wow. Seems like they're great people... Not


jostel 0

I know how you feel man. I was given away at birth and I met my biological mom recently who now has 3 kids. "hey kids here's your dumb brother we didn't want to take care of!"

218- picking a fight? I told him to chill out because he was being a prick in his comment. He's the one who threatened me for telling him to "chill out". Learn how to read and then we can talk ;)

OP - I feel you. I've just recently found my birth mother, and discovered she had about 5/6 kids after me (keeping three of them), including a one who's a year younger than I am. She was a teenaged mother, so I understand why, but it still hurt like nothing else to find out about my other siblings.

Damn that suck... But I hope you had a good life W/o them.

caylabeth 0

Weird. Same thing happened to me when I was 17...only I found out I have an older brother they kept, 2 little sisters they kept and 2 little brothers they kept. I feel ya. It sucks.

Teagle 3

Not meeting them would've been the best thing to do from the start. They obviously weren't all that bright to give you up..or they weren't all that bright to be having you at an "inconvenient time". Either way, if you have a happy life with your family, then meeting your biological parents usually just leads to crap.

They suck ass. And the people who checked you deserved it, can suck a herpes infected penis.

bossman57 2

Brothers in 6 months odiously fake