By pon-3 - 22/06/2012 21:13 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, I met my biological parents for the first time. Their justification for giving me up for adoption was that I wasn't conceived at the ideal time for them. Apparently, the ideal time was six months after the adoption, when they conceived the first of my two brothers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 954
You deserved it 2 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you got a better deal with your adoptive parents!

awesomeguy1221 4

Wow. Seems like they're great people... Not


marisadc79 0

I'm really sorry, a few years down the road if they'd had more kids I could understand but within 6 months wow what nuts. I'd say you're the lucky one here. Don't blame yourself or look for reasons to think you weren't good enough or wanted. Sounds like they did you a favor hopefully you have a loving family.

At least you weren't raised by those *******.

Fyl and all, but a LOT can change in 15 months. Having a baby is scary, and the fact that they agreed to meet you shows that it wasn't that they just didn't want you. I highly doubt that the decision to give you up or the decision to keep your first brother was an easy one to make. I get why you're hurt, but a lot of couples who give a child up choose not to go through it again, no matter how soon after the first one it is, because it's so hard to go through. Just remember that they were trying to do what they thought was best and that you ended up with good adoptive parents.

That is sad. But Hopefully you got better deal out of adoptive parents. But, well, to this day I'm working in my county to get better rights and ways for Us foster/adoption children. So many adults out there, taking these children in and the children get treated wrongly. Sad. But I hope you either can buck-up, understand and move forth in getting to know your folks or just forget about em and make something Great of your life & Rub Their Faces In It!! HA!

I'm sure it's hard to meet your biological parents. But you just sound like a brat in this post. A lot of things can change in fifteen months (two years if we go from your conception to his birth) to make the difference between "can't raise a child at all" and "can just about scrimp and scrape through raising one". Maybe one of them got a promotion. They'd already given up one child- maybe they found that so painful that when 6 months later they found themselves in the same scenario, they realised they couldn't go through it again even though nothing had changed in their situation. Maybe the adoption made them realise that having a child was more important than having the ideal set-up in place first. These people may be your biological parents, but it doesn't mean you know anything about them or their history. People don't give children up for adoption lightly. If they didn't think adoption was the best thing for you, they'd have aborted you. Unless they're forced into having their kids taken away because they're criminals, I don't see how people who give their babies for adoption are anything but admirable.

We don't know what their situation was when OP was born, so I don't think it's fair to blame them and call them bad parents, I think they made a good decision for OP, he got to go to a good home with great parents!

I hope you at least got sent to a loving and caring home.

Well maybe they didn't have enough money and affection to care for u. And when the had ur brothers they were ready of kids up on their feet with enough money and affection to care for them. I'm sorry for u but that's sometimes how life is

My aunt did something similar. She had an abortion, then had a child less than a year later. Except she got a street abortion and had to be in the hospital because it was pretty botched.