By philderichmond - 14/06/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I met a cute girl at a dance club. I entered her number in my phone just before she left the club. With a proud smile, I turned the screen towards my buddy, showing off my accomplishment. Attempting to give me a friendly pat he accidentally closed my phone. I hadn't saved the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 147
You deserved it 17 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you learned that next time you should save the number before you go bragging about it.


YDIoveragain 4

So u didnt' call the number yet most likely it a fake number so no biggie. Not sure wat so proud getting a cute girl number at a club!

trust me, that wasn't an accident. He was jealous.

rustyrox 0

Ask her for it again, or you could be sly and say "hey, you know what? Why don't you give ME a call next night you're free" and if she says no then say ok but I need your number again bc it didn't save. You should always call that person "so they have your number too" so if that happens you'll have it in your call history..

actually #42, i'm telling the OP to stop whingeing and chill out as it's not a very big deal. I think i'm going to tell you to chill out now aswell.

godyourethick 0

Tried to pat you but managed to cloes your phone? Doesn't sound like an accident to me.

You should of saved it right away. I always call the person.

testing_fml 0

You are a true dumbass, shoulda saved it first thats ur bad, hopefully shes out nailing another dude that actually has common sense