By newlywed - 27/02/2011 05:18 - United States

Today, I married a wonderful man. Even though both of us were no longer virgins, we decided to wait until marriage to sleep together. He just told me I was the worst he's ever had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 020
You deserved it 13 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OK, I know views on abstinence before marriage varies, but to my mind, YDI huge. If neither of you were virgins, and you were planning on getting married, the idea that you wouldn't have sex just strikes me as bizarre, with this being one of the main reasons. It's going to be a long fifty years.


I wouldn't have sex with him for a while after that. Asshole

braidedsilver 8

Ouch OP that must have been crushing for you. Shame on him for not expressing what he wanted DURING the act, then it could have been memorable for good reasons. However, although he was brutally honest you should appreciate that honesty. That way you can BOTH work at making next time incredible. Don't let him off the hook, he needs to work at it too.

why would you buy a car before test driving it? lesson learned

Honey, there is NOTHING wonderful about a man that can say that to you, ESPECIALLY on ur wedding night! Try to get an annulment - otherwise, practise makes perfect! If u both care about pleasing the other it'll come to u. Also he a dumb idiot coz girls need confidence to be good in bed!

#207 She sucks in bed, nuff said. And if you tell a girl she is great when it is possibly one of the worst situations you have ever had, you are lying and making her think she has some talent. This girl has no sexual prowess. That is all.

dakins 0

so much for mister wonderful...

jewelsfml 0

what a dick. hope ur not still w him. fyl