By Anonymous - 16/02/2016 00:01 - United States

Today, I fractured two ribs from coughing. My doctor told me to stop coughing, or I would fracture them more. I have bronchitis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 230
You deserved it 1 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

Just stop breathing. How hard can it be?

How the hell could someone stop coughing?... Fyl for the bronchitis and for that doctor as well.


Steffi3 40

Just stop breathing. How hard can it be?

How the hell could someone stop coughing?... Fyl for the bronchitis and for that doctor as well.

("Alright, Henry. Years of medical training have prepared you for this moment.") "What should I do about my ribs, doc?" "Just...don't...cough?" ("Nailed it.")

I sincerely hope they did not tell you that without prescribing some hefty cough medicine.

Sorry to hear that, OP. I hope you feel better soon!

if you break the rest of your ribs, nothing can stop you from coughing.

Your doctor could at least do his job and prescribe you medicine for the coughing