By Nylo - 29/01/2018 01:30

Today, I made my first ever chocolate fudge, which turned out really nice. I had a bite and left it on the counter with plastic wrap covering, only to come back later to find my sister's cat pissing on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 183
You deserved it 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really dislike how cats walk on countertops, etc. esp. just after using the litter box (per litter granules on their paws).... Yuck!

If the fudge was still edible, that would be a great endorsement for the plastic wrap! I’m not sure they’d want to run that ad during the dinner hour!


I really dislike how cats walk on countertops, etc. esp. just after using the litter box (per litter granules on their paws).... Yuck!

I love making my own chocolate fudge, it's pretty easy to make, but fyl for the ruined fudge

I make my own chocolate fudge every morning.

GoogieWithers 22

Did you know that cats have an advanced sense of smell? They can tell if something is off way before a person. Maybe the cat thought it was helping? But FYL for the cat pissing on the counter.

ffc Squall 14

Someone doesn't like chocolate.

If the fudge was still edible, that would be a great endorsement for the plastic wrap! I’m not sure they’d want to run that ad during the dinner hour!

bidet 8

wrap the cat in plastic wrap

sounds likes something my cat would do. this morning she hopped on the bed, stop and stared into my eyes and peed on my bed I just washed yesterday. We also cleaned her litter box yesterday.

you might want to take your cat to the vet. it probably has a urinary tract infection. they will start pissing everywhere because it hurts to pee in the litter box so they start looking for a place to go where it doesn't hurt.

I thought the same thing. But if they don't seem uncomfortable while urinating, don't bother. I paid a huge vet bill once just so they could tell me that nothing's wrong, my cat is just an asshole.

Just another reason to never own an inside cat....

atleast you saw the cat doing it, couldve been alot worse