By batsu - 27/01/2012 06:48 - Canada

Today, I made a drunken bet with friends that I could pour lighter fluid on my hands, light it, and shake it out before I got burned. I lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 972
You deserved it 66 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kendybendy 6

Haha you totally deserve that! Just be happy you didn't make the bet about it being on your face or your dick


Who said it was a kid? Considering OP was drunk, he's most likely 18 or older which is an adult in most places.

Yeah right, being under 18 has kept alcohol out of kids hands for decades now.

I'm pretty sure it's "disco inferno" instead of "sizzle sizzle".

RaVeNs5220 0

In the words of Kelso from that 70s show, "BURN!!!!"

ZielZone 4

A candidate for the 2012 Darwin award. Take a bow, you should be proud

PandaSkitch 5

You can do it easily with germ x or hand sanitizer. It works the same way.

coe08 6

Ur really stupid why would you try that?!?!?! And how much was the bet even!?!?!

coe08 6

I'm Canadian and I'm pretty smart I'm getting a 100% on my report card

Dude, this would more likely happen to an American. I actually assumed this was from America, and this is coming from an American.

jaredofmo 22

That's just stupid. You vs. fire = FIRE ALWAYS WINS