All over the place

By nemi - 31/08/2010 22:33 - Norway

Today, I was out having a beer with a few friends. After getting a pint, I slipped in a puddle of beer, fell on top of a stranger on the sofa, and knocked my beer upside down on my head. Then, completely soaked, I realized I'd also knocked over the table, spilling its content on a poor girl across it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 677
You deserved it 8 847

Same thing different taste


BelleElle_fml 5

That's like one of those accidents you see in a movie....

w2z1 0

Silly rabbit. Beer is for kids!

haha that sucks. but it's hilarious nonetheless.

quite_bored 9

I don't always drink beer, but when I do I prefer Dos Equis...stay thirsty my friends...FTW!

shhhitsasecret 0

a bit too much to drink perhaps??

kruzito 0

im tired of seeing #1's ugly face. she should have her face censored out.

kellanlvr 1

a poor girl? why was there a homeless girl hanging out with you?

that's cool 41, a spot just opened up in hell with your name on it

BoyFromTheFuture 0

42, I'm pretty sure OP meant that she had nothing to do with the situation but she got soaked anyways, not that she's homeless :/

the_flirtt 0

wow I'm guessing your a crazy drunk ? 35 I don't really care for dos equis

kruzito 0

you should know #54, you are as pale as a ghost. fyi, you're fooling anyone with the high brightness.

iSometimes 5

Like that house robbing FML, just imagine it all with Yakety Sax playing in the background. It would be well worth all of the alcohol abuse.

Brittney_E 0

blame it on the a-a-a-no. **** the little girl's and the hobos life! lol @ 61

let's make a bet everyone, whose picture is he going to try and make fun of next? Text your answer in now! Oh and about the high brightness thing... sunlight generally makes objects brighter

well now you don't have to buy her a drink

justferfun 0

mattman I really like your eyes ... are you wearing contacts

lol fail.... I hate alcohol and will never ever drink any... but that's me, so I'm not gonna say something dumb like ydi cause it's not necessarily your fault... but I will still laugh at you :P

sexyscooter 0

#1 is kinda hot, remindz me of my ex tho... so imma havto agree please change ur pic, i still hate that girl

EricErection69 0

41 exactly you don't have a pic something is wrong here and aand I think she's pretty and I don't have a pic cuz i can't put it one on from my iPod and Idont have a computer

iron_chefITALY 0

that's cute I remember when I had my first beer.

Hey #2 last time i heard that one i laughed so hard i fell of my dinosaur.

Hey #52, the last time I heard that one was in a tavern in Bedrock.

BoyFromTheFuture 0

that scene is so awesome it makes me wanna sing. in fact I'll sing right now "if you wanna get down on these hairy balls...why dontcha jump right in. it's a crouch party up in here. why don't you lick this big ol joooiiint"

they should make a new law "no drinking while driving"

Yeah my guess is that beer wouldn't be good while sitting for OP just in general that's a pretty Fail accident. Oh well ;P

sourgirl101 28

10 I know you corrected yourself but don't you already have that law?

sourgirl101 28

Nvm I guess you meant to say walk the very first time.(:

MarkerofMagic 0
MarkerofMagic 0

haha I ment 15:P but I love 52s eyes. dang they're sexy haha.

weird you say that I took this right after i woke up lol

70 that's odd... 73 You said that on a previous fml too didn't you? But yes your hair looks BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it girl :)

MarkerofMagic 0

was joking lol:P. but your eyes are nice:)

Tasanasanta 0
MarkerofMagic 0

I haven't the slightest clue why I said 71 I meant 84 lol.

MarkerofMagic 0

lol thx 122, I wore it for my sons 3rd birthday, he likes tigers lol

MarkerofMagic 0

haa awwww:) it's like a Tony the tiger hoodie:P

awhhh i feel bad. aat leat you landed on TOP of the girl ;]