Right under your nose

By Anonymous - 03/02/2021 01:56

Today, my husband took our 5-month-old to the doctor, who diagnosed him with a severe sinus blockage and referred us to a specialist. This is the third major health problem with our son that our husband has picked up before I did. My job? I’m a nurse in a paediatric clinic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 517
You deserved it 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

J15237 25

You just said it though. You are a nurse who is out working hard. It’s not a knock. Your husband is spending more time with your baby. It’s not an fml. Be thankful you have a husband who is ontop of things while you are away making the money to support your family. This is a good thing.

xxlk4xx 6

you are a good mama! I remember taking my youngest daughter to the pediatrician only to find out she had an ear infection for who knows how long! no fevers, she wasn't cranky at all but she had just gotten over a small cold that lasted like 2 days! sometimes we just miss things, it doesn't make you a bad parent!


J15237 25

You just said it though. You are a nurse who is out working hard. It’s not a knock. Your husband is spending more time with your baby. It’s not an fml. Be thankful you have a husband who is ontop of things while you are away making the money to support your family. This is a good thing.

xxlk4xx 6

you are a good mama! I remember taking my youngest daughter to the pediatrician only to find out she had an ear infection for who knows how long! no fevers, she wasn't cranky at all but she had just gotten over a small cold that lasted like 2 days! sometimes we just miss things, it doesn't make you a bad parent!

My daughter was a year and a half and I noticed she'd been pulling at her ears and playing with them a lot and turned out it was and ear infection. I felt terrible for not noticing sooner, considering my brother had massively bad ear infections as a child and dealt with 12 surgeries on them before he was 8. I felt I should have known better and noticed sooner for sure

to the parents who felt bad about missing illnesses with their children don't not all children's immune systems respond normally they themselves may not even know they were sick I have a child with a compromised immune system she doesn't know if she gets infections until they're to the point of being deadly I've just had to learn to check her sinuses, ears, throat and for fevers at least once a month to make sure something isn't going on. all you can do is try to be vigil but that doesn't mean you're not going to miss something once in awhile don't be hard on yourself just do the best you can

coius 23

PLEASE learn proper punctuation! I haven’t seen a run-on sentence *that* bad since American Online Losers joined the internet.

Given that you can't even spell where you work, it's not surprising you'd miss details. It's "pediatric." You're welcome in advance. (CTFD! I'm just joking.)

Sometimes after dealing with something day in and day out with hyper focus, we tend to turn off that focus at the end of said day.