By Lonely At Griffith - 17/06/2019 13:02

Today, well into my second year at university, I still haven't made a single friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 924
You deserved it 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Susan Yee 9

I didn’t until 3rd year. The people I met prior either religious-nuts or like drinking and smoking. I met people I clicked with (video games, non-alcoholic) on 3rd year, through a classmate, who is now my husband.

TomeDr 24

Is it because you’ve been working hard and studying instead of partying? If so, you’re doing okay. But be sure to take time to do something enjoyable. Find clubs or groups where you’ll find people that you have a common interest.


pins91 27

Oooof. I’ll be your friend!

TomeDr 24

Is it because you’ve been working hard and studying instead of partying? If so, you’re doing okay. But be sure to take time to do something enjoyable. Find clubs or groups where you’ll find people that you have a common interest.

most people don't like me because I'm not a gossip so I feel your pain

Sonotsuave 35

I would suggest joining some clubs or doing work study because that’s how I made a bunch of groups of my friends. Also try to make some allies in your classes, it’s helpful if you miss a class or have questions

Susan Yee 9

I didn’t until 3rd year. The people I met prior either religious-nuts or like drinking and smoking. I met people I clicked with (video games, non-alcoholic) on 3rd year, through a classmate, who is now my husband.


I'm 32 years into my life, and I don't have a friend, either. It's great. I do everything on my own time, within my budget, and I haven't been called a f*ggot in years, except online, but I just ignore that.

you gotta change your vibe! people might be finding something off about you!