By NoFriends - 28/11/2016 02:28 - Australia

Today, I found out that my friends from high school have yearly meet-ups to catch up and talk about what they've done since school. They've done this for 3 years. I havent even been invited once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 312
You deserved it 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch :( luckily there's usually a lot of opportunity to make friends outside of high school, hope you make some better ones


Ouch :( luckily there's usually a lot of opportunity to make friends outside of high school, hope you make some better ones

No worries; your boyfriend of three years has been keeping them caught up since they started doing this. Plus now it would just be awkward to invite you since he proposed to the best of those friends.

#4 This is the first one of your comments I have seen down voted. It's a shame people didn't get the reference from the fml prior to this one.

They're probably planning the biggest surprise party for you ever!!!

I don't know about others, but high school friends are almost always temporary. I only have 2 friends from high school and I don't feel like I would want or even need to meet up with the others from high school. But, if it upsets you so much, address it. But after 3 years, I see no point to.

I have like 4 close friends from High school, and I run into other ones from school from time to time, so if i do run into others I'm more than happy to ask "howyagoin"?

They were never your friends. Stop talking to them and find real friends.

How the hell could anyone say you deserve that!?

It looks to me like you don't have any friends from high school