By annesolmm - 28/03/2014 01:17 - France - Paris

Today, I'm in Venice for a romantic weekend. While I was gushing about the gondolas, canals and the city of love in general, the only thing my boyfriend could say was, "Wow! How cool is it to be on the set of the Tomb Raider movie?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 479
You deserved it 9 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what? You can still check out the gondolas, canals, and the city in general together. Be happy that you're spending time with your boyfriend in Venice, no matter what each of you are excited for!

I'm not defending him, because you should talk to him about the vacation lacking in romance, but he's not wrong. It would be cool to see the scenes in real life that they used in the movie. Also, just because your in the "city of love" doesn't mean you can't also enjoy some non-romantic events. Maybe next time, make a plan of a few romantic and non-romantic spots, stuff both of you would like. It might even put him in a better mood since he's found something that interests him.


I'm not defending him, because you should talk to him about the vacation lacking in romance, but he's not wrong. It would be cool to see the scenes in real life that they used in the movie. Also, just because your in the "city of love" doesn't mean you can't also enjoy some non-romantic events. Maybe next time, make a plan of a few romantic and non-romantic spots, stuff both of you would like. It might even put him in a better mood since he's found something that interests him.

So what? You can still check out the gondolas, canals, and the city in general together. Be happy that you're spending time with your boyfriend in Venice, no matter what each of you are excited for!

graywolf923 2

That's very non-romantic of you to not cherish your boyfriend while being there....