By housematefromhell - 21/07/2018 21:29

Today, my housemate revealed her supposed loss of function of her arm was all a lie. I spent hours in the ER with her and had to go to work the next day. Last time she lied about cancer. I'm stuck sharing with her for another 7 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 748
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a lock on your bedroom door and tell her the story about the boy who cried wolf.

And when she has a real health crisis, you’ll ignore her and then she’ll die. Then, you’ll have the house all to yourself. Yay!


Put a lock on your bedroom door and tell her the story about the boy who cried wolf.

Why dont you just call her an ambulance and not go with her? Plus she will get stuck with the ambulance bill and will stop lying.

That only works if she lives in the US....

What , they dont have ambulances anywhere else?

Yes, as a paramedic, I have undergone years of theoretical and practical training and carry thousands of dollars worth of specialised equipment just so you can use me in a passive-aggressive ploy against your roommate.

Yes, as a paramedic, I have undergone years of theoretical and practical training and carry thousands of dollars worth of specialised equipment just so you can use me in a passive-aggressive ploy against your roommate.

Hey she doesn't know if it's real or not, that's what you're there for

And when she has a real health crisis, you’ll ignore her and then she’ll die. Then, you’ll have the house all to yourself. Yay!

From what I've read, people with Munchausen typically harm themselves for attention as opposed to faking illnesses for attention.

I should of thought of that 😅 I feel silly Thanks

Well tell her alittle story of the boy who cried wolf and how you had to feed the boy to the wolf for fun,just show her your craziness 🤔🤣🤣

My so-called boyfriend did that. Only he claimed that his mom had cancer. Then much later when I mentioned it, he said that he’d never told me she was sick.

If she lied about having cancer, she’ll lie about anything.

If you know she's making shit up, just ignore her. If you're worried about it being something real for one: It's not going to be your fault if you learn from patterns and it backfires on her.

Fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me twice, shame on me!

I was once married to someone like that. Eventually her family got tired of her crying wolf. Yes, this included reports of cancer, too.