By LadyDeadpool88 - 04/02/2014 14:50 - United States - Laurinburg

Today, I'm a little over a month pregnant. My fiancé has decided that if we both act like I'm not pregnant, "the baby will get the hint and go away". FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 943
You deserved it 7 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kayteakay 26

You should pretend he's not the father and maybe he'll get the hint and go away.

Let me be the first to say your husband is dumber than the child


kayteakay 26

You should pretend he's not the father and maybe he'll get the hint and go away.

Op might not want to seem like an untrustworthy wife in the future. They should just talk things through and decide if they are ready to have a child.

That's bull. She needs to leave him. He helped make the baby, it takes two people. If he can't handle it and she wants it, she needs to find a better man.

kayteakay 26

Not act like she got pregnant from someone else; he doesn't deserve to have a child.

WompWompWomp123 7

The child doesn't deserve to have him.

#14 - sense of humor failure much? this is an awesome #1 comment.

Mackay92 14

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'she' should have?!? it takes two, accidents happen! and theyre engaged, surely he shouldbe ready to settle down.. then again if he thinks ignoring it will make it go away then hes obviously an idiot...

kristabelli 19

Wow guys, give the lad some time to get used to the idea. It's harder for men to feel close with a baby until it is actually in front of them. (Plus, I too thought #1's joke was funny. Note the word "joke".)

#52, it is still entirely possible to get pregnant when having protected sex.

#61 men aren't allowed to have feelings or be slightly gunshy about having babies. They have to be ecstatic from the second they hear the news or else they are evil bad people who deserve to be left and spit upon. For those of you who are slow, that was sarcasm.

kayteakay 26

There's got to be a better way to tell your SO your afraid of being a dad.

Octwo 16

Few people stop to think that maybe her fiance was joking. A bad joke, but still joking.

Yea My sister was born through Birth Control & Condom.

itcomesinthrees 10

A little late to be deciding that now. She needs to have a serious talk with him though, maybe he's just really nervous and is acting inappropriate without realizing it. I've known men to make bad jokes when they don't know how to express what they're feeling.

Best answer. OP You don't sound foolish enough to be with a guy like that. Poor baby. I have a 3 month old and love him dearly. The only thing I'm sorry for you is that baby has your ignorant fiancés DNA.

#31 Your comment intrigues me. The child doesn't deserve a father?

Because telling the dad he isnt the father always keeps them around.....i think you should rethink that....

I'm pretty sure the fiance was joking... in fact, it's pretty obvious that he was. how do people not see that?

#3 Can i just take this moment to inform you of how wonderful your profile picture is.

#46- I think it's a tie. Kids are something you should discuss prior to engagement.

ShortRasfarian 5

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If you don't want to be a parent--and there are a lot of folks like that--then a baby is NOT a gift. Someone needs to tell OP's fiance to grow up. Pretending a problem isn't, there will not make it go away.

Babies aren't a gift if you don't want them or are tokophobic. Then their a evil monster curse.

All a matter of personal opinion, 4. One person's gift is another person's 18-year minimum prison sentence.

klovemachine 24

Dang people, 4 is right :) babies are a gift from God if you don't want a baby, then don't have sex :O or at least be more careful

SuckMeBeautifu1 24

47 luckily though there is abortion.

SuckMeBeautifu1 24

Not every gift is a blessing, some gifts are a curse.

what a a$$!!! sheesh men can be so dumb sometimes!!!


Maybe if you act like he has a brain he'll grow one.

That seems even less likely than the original idea he had

Never underestimate the power of pretend!

Your username and your comment are amazingly contrasting.

Wizardo 33

I've seen some stupidity on this site but this takes the cake, maybe he'll get the hint, man up and take responsibility of what is to come for both of you.

TheDrifter 23

Our perhaps she'll take the hint and at least consider his suggestion on the pro choice topic before burdening herself with a child the father clearly did not intend to make and does not want.

#45, a fetus is a living, breathing, human being. It's been proven.

I don't always refer to human beings as burdens, but when I do it's because a lazy dead beat moron doesn't want to be a father to his own child.

As much as I am pro choice this seems like a case for adoption over abortion if after the birth they still don't want it

While I think the wording needed work, I'm kind of with Drifter on this. If they didn't discuss kids beforehand and he's really deadest against being a father, she's still got some time to consider whether or not she wants to be a single mother and take appropriate actions if she doesn't. (Waits for down votes from the "Babies are a gift from God" crowd, but responders be warned, 1) I don't believe in God and 2) I only like gifts that come with a receipt.)

smc3106 25

@#45 - If she wants the baby, how would it be "burdening herself"? Just because he doesn't want it, doesn't mean that she doesn't.

SuckMeBeautifu1 24

@9 "man up"? So if he doesnt want kids at that point in his life hes not a real man? What an ignorant comment.

Indianboy9321 25

If intelligence is genetic, then your child has a chance of being royally screwed. Your husband is an idiot.

simplysarcastics 26

Is he trying to wish a miscarriage on you? He seems very ignorant. Ignoring this won't help a thing. Babies need pre natals and you need check ups. and he needs to wake up.