By winks - 09/11/2016 19:06 - United States - Reno

Today, I got into a car accident that was my fault. The other driver was my professor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 539
You deserved it 1 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not how extra credit works, sorry OP hopefully he's understanding


That's not how extra credit works, sorry OP hopefully he's understanding

It must be crunch time for the upcoming exams. Get serious!

That'd not what people mean when they say tap the professor for an A in the class.

FalloutScrolls 25

Sing with me! ~it's a small world after all...

That's really not the way to get your professor to round your 48 to a 94. Good try though!

JudgeComrade 17

If it was your fault, it wasn't an accident.

are you stupid or are you just pretending to be? if you walk into somebody at the store because you were reading the label on the back of your diet coke to make sure it still has zero calories its by accident not on purpose but its your fault...

But car are accidents are pretty much always someone's fault...

Thank you for owning up to your mistakes. At least your professor won't hold that against you. Honesty is key. Way to go