By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 10:50 - United States

Today, I lost the remote control to my TV. I can't change the channel manually on it, and the channel it's stuck on is currently playing an infomercial for the Pos-T-Vac penis pump. I've been watching this for an hour now. I'm a female, and I'm beginning to feel like I need this product. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 498
You deserved it 9 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get it on one condition: It's gotta be $19.95

TheComputerGuy96 16

Your tv doesn't even have a power button?????? Unplugging it might be dangerous, but a tv without a physical power button is weird. (And I have an LCD tv)


KattAlex 4

Turn the tv off and read a book. I recommend To Kill A Mockingbird.

that book is over rated, read pillars of the earth.

#63 is right, that book is nowhere near as good as it's made to seem. I recommend one of the following books and/or short story collections: The End of Eternity The Robots of Dawn Congo The Silent Assasin The Martian Chronicles A Clockwork Orange Kramer vs. Kramer

Nyc__Princess 0

Then get it ! Only if it's $19.95 (:

HighlandShadows 48

OP might do better to save that $19.95 for when they get around to advertising the universal remotes.

birds_fml 7

I know, this may come to a shock to some people, but: YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH TV! OMG! I know! Isn't that CRAZY?! There really ARE other things to do than sit on your ass and watch tv! Read a book! Take a walk! Daydream! YDI.

Today, I lost the remote control to my new Pos-T-Vac penis pump. It's been stuck on my crotch for an hour now. I used to be a female, but now my uterus has everted. This did, however, lead me to finding the TV remote I lost last week. FML

QwertyMcNugget 0

dumb fuc**** go to Wal-Mart and buy a remote

llamalpaca382 13

**** only has one 'k', thank you.

YDI for buying a shit TV with no buttons, and a shit remote!

Believe it or not, watching TV isn't the only thing you could be doing...

That's dumb. Could easily just turn off the tv instead of "watching it for a whole hour." And if there isn't a button on the tv to turn it off... unplug it. Problem solved.

Nikkimellon 0

Turn off the tv and get a life.