By Anonymous - 23/11/2017 01:30

Today, I took a well-aimed TV remote to the testicles. My wife’s pregnancy cravings are really bad and I forgot to restock the cupboard with apricot jam and packets of sage and onion stuffing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 481
You deserved it 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that if she wants to ever have more kids, she should aim elsewhere.

You got off easy this time — it was just the remote. Screw up again and you’ll get the whole TV thrown at your junk!


You got off easy this time — it was just the remote. Screw up again and you’ll get the whole TV thrown at your junk!

Does she make a sandwich out of the apricot jam and sage and onion stuffing?

Tell her that if she wants to ever have more kids, she should aim elsewhere.

In all likelihood, she'll just reach for something heavier and/or sharper.

my2centsworth 15

If she continues to react in this manner, you won't have to worry about a second pregnancy.

Hey look at the bright side; you got to use them before they went pop!

corky1992 33

As a former pregnant woman we take our cravings to heart. Our emotions and hormones are pretty intense and it can be devastating not getting our cravings. With that being said though, I never got violent when I didn’t get it. That’s a bit extreme. I’ll admit I did get pissed a few times, but never violent.

Lobby_Bee 17

Happy wife, happy life. That's your life motto now.

Sorry to get serious here but this is abuse. The fact that she is a women or pregnant doesn’t matter. Look for controlling behavior. While you can’t change her, you can tell her that you will not put up with abuse and you will leave if she is abusive and just put your efforts into taking care of your child. I am so sorry OP.

thatslifeiguess7 16

First pregnancy? No really I was on bed rest and never understood women do THIS bullshit

Talis99 26

Women don't get to use PMS and pregnancy for assault.