By soccerlove09 - 11/10/2010 18:18 - United States

Today, I bought a personalized cookie cake with "Will you go out with me?" for the girl I've liked for five months. When I showed her, she said no, but took the cake with her anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 993
You deserved it 6 378

Same thing different taste


thesunsetglow_fml 8

She sounds like a fatty to me, no?

it will be messed up and she was cheating and gave it to her other boyfriend and he rejected but took the cake too and he was cheating also and gave it to his other girlfriend and it went on and on until someone ate it.  yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum, deliciouso! backpack backpack, backpack backpack, backpack backpack, yeah! let's go to the mountain Dora!

H8rSk8r 0

Bitch shudnt get noo goddamn cake!

proves that you can have your cake and eat it too :P

just get another but this time drug it.. teach that ***** a lesson no one takes ur cake without datring u! muahaha

zerobahamut03 2

at least you tried OP. That's more than some of these people posting on here saying that the girl they've loved for 10 years went with someone else.

well I mean would you really want to carry a cake around all day and then have to explain to people that you got rejected?

today, some asshole asked out my girlfriend with a cookie cake. he's still yelling at her to give it back from outside our window.

omfgrofl1337 0

Hah OP! and you thought asking her out would be a piece of cake

tweetbaby14 18

YDI for wanting to be with a fat greedy pig. also why do all these morons that are obsessed with these womenz do something stupid( special necklaces, cakes, and so on) and then think they will get a positive result?

because dumb bitches like you expect sensitivity from a man, refuse to date the ones that are sensitive to begin with, date assholes and complain when they beat the shit out of you. make up your ******* mind

You should have poisoned that cake just in case.. Oh well.

just ask her out it's not a fukken mating routine. grow some social skills and testicles while you're at it

103 you make me want to pull my hair out like ohhhmyygosh she it's cake? she must be obese? seriously that's honestly so dumb all these she must be fat comments are so idiotic(not the joking ones the serious ones) so does that mean anyone that eats food(hey guess what we need food to live) must be fat?

Yeah it's like who wouldn't say no to a free cake?! Basically anybody who likes food will have some sort of appreciation for the goodness of cookie cakes, doesn't mean she was fat! Seriously though, I would love a slice of cookie cake right now, damn you OP! Can you ask "the girl you've liked for five months" to share? :)

omfgrofl1337, what's with your name? b/c clearly I'm retarded...

angela3222 0

3- Just cause the girl took the cake with her doesn't mean she's fat. That's why there's anarexic kids all over this place cause they keep eating crap. It's called "empty calories." Maybe you should spend less time on fml and more time keeping attention in class.

stephanie0613 0

103 shut the **** up! Its a damb cake shit if they tried to give me a free cake i'd take that shit nd i know for a fact that im not fat! N'd what that guy said ****** women like you are always complaining about men cheating on you or disrespecting you and all this shit, when someone sweet comes along we treat them like shit. He is not stupid he tried ok just because no man ****** gives a shit about your ugly man looking ass doesnt mean their isn't nice guys out there! so shut the **** up and sit the **** down. Thank you.

lol dnt even try to say y would go for tht

If she hadn't taken it then you'd be stuck with a really depressing cookie cake so this is probably best


love is all about give and take.

mahimalil 0

thats the wronged way to ask someone out

"Love is all about give and cake?" Actually "givin cake" and "give and cake" sound the same...

Honey, it's the MAN whose heart can be won through his stomach, not the WOMANS! Tsk tsk.

FYLDeep 25

A cookie cake? I don't know about that, I'm not always fond of hybrids.

What? You got something against these hybrids? Hmm? What about hybrid cars? Don't wanna save da planet? Or hybrid animals? Or hybrid fruits? Hmm? Hybrids rule! Especially cookie cakes.

FYLDeep 25

Ever have something wild like a taco pizza, or maybe like one of those Take 5 candy bars where they try to put too many things in there and it turns out disastrous?

Cjob 3

Don't you dare talk about take 5's that way D:

thats the cutest thing ever(: how could she possibly say no?!

it's about whether or not she likes him. obviously she didnt. and he needed to just ask her himself.

FFML_314 11

I wish #6 would put up a picture of herself. I am tired of looking at that girl already.

I'm with Ignorance here. Not very cute. The OPs problem is getting stuck in the friend zone. Or the loser zone. Who knows - he didn't post enough.

FFML_314 11

Yeah, I gotta say that's really juvenile. Men need to learn how to man up and just ask.

I think that's adorable. Still, not so cute that she took it.

FFML_314 11

I don't think it's cute. I don't like big cheesy gestures though.

I think it's adorable. I don't think it's a matter of your masculinity because he still asked her out face to face and he still had to stand there awaiting a reply, with a chance of getting rejection (which happened). I think it was just a matter of doing something romantic and sweet for her <3 If I was her in the situation I'd be impressed.. :)

Love goes through the stomach, right? She might change her mind if you made her a really good cake :D But honestly, that sucks OP. But I guess you wouldn't want that cake back after she rejected you either.

i would.. cake is cakee my stomach has no emotions haha

I'm sorry, but that's really creepy. I'd say no if a guy did that to me. Except, I would reject the cake as well as the guy.

iGoRawrx3 0

pfft, i would've said yes if someone made me a mothertruckin' cookie cake. :D

848901 0

Damn, that's messed up...i woulda kept that though.