By The Rock's arse - 04/07/2014 20:29 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, I hit rock bottom; I watched one of those shitty infomercial channels, without even being forced into it at gunpoint. Even worse is that I practically creamed myself over a damn fruit juicer, all because it was 50% off and I could actually afford it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 158
You deserved it 7 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey those things are pretty expensive these days

toxic_walrus 15

Everyone has their bad days


Hey those things are pretty expensive these days

GDragonsSwag 21

Buy one creamed man and get another for FREE!

toxic_walrus 15

Everyone has their bad days

I'd say "What a shitty situation" but then you FMLers might force me to watch shitty infomercials at gunpoint, and we all know that's pure torture.

*puts gun to you* Watch the infomercials.

That is for sure an all time rock bottom low...but not a YDI well in my opinion

If you buy something you don't need just because it's on sale, are you really saving money?

You know, they say it's 50% off, but then they get you with the shipping and handling

badluckalex 23

and bump up the price by 20%

And then within a couple of months you'll see the same sort of product in a cheap shop for much less than they are charging.

meganlovestea 15

At least you can afford it if you wanted it!

You creamed yourself after that? What would happen if you watched free ****?

Hope you bought it. Maybe than you can invite guests over to have juice....and not get into such sad situations