Randy Daddy

By franzbiel - 31/10/2009 12:54 - Switzerland

Today, my father decided that since he's paying for my flat, he will use it twice a week to have it off with his girlfriend while I'm away. My parents are still together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 021
You deserved it 2 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lady_unknown 0

Set up a cam and send it anonymously to your mom… she deserve the truth and respect from both of you. And get a part time job to pay for your place… it's yours, right? Unless he really got it for the girlfriend.

tell your mom to pay and tell her what your dad does


what a cheating douche! it may sound gross, but video it and give it to yo mom

3trobert... and then he stops paying her rent (perhaps she's a full time student). so their parents split but she still has 2 parents no matter what, but no house...

tell your mom to pay and tell her what your dad does

lady_unknown 0

Set up a cam and send it anonymously to your mom… she deserve the truth and respect from both of you. And get a part time job to pay for your place… it's yours, right? Unless he really got it for the girlfriend.

perdix 29

Your flat? You don't have a flat. Your dad is letting you crash in his love nest. Ask you dad if his girlfriend has a sister or daughter for you. ;)

Mx_Rider 6

your dads a beast congrats op your daddy is pounding 2 vaj's on the side :D