By Emily S - 09/10/2011 05:17 - Australia

Today, I let a guy I like look at my phone. A second later I remembered I had a secret copy of his Facebook profile picture on there to show a friend what he looked like. I was forced to tackle him to get my phone back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 310
You deserved it 40 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happened to me before except she had a photo of me aswell so it was all good :)

NoNotTheFace 8

I can only imagine the conversation you had with him. Wha.. what is this? -Urm. It's nothing. Give it back. No. -GIVE IT BACK. HOLY SHIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? Now every night, he's on his bed, in fetal position, rocking himself to sleep because he's mentally disorientated knowing that a creepy stalker is masturbating to his facebook profile picture.


TKello 6

You could have confessed your feelings...and maybe have gotten a boyfriend instead of now being labeled crazy...

Wow why didn't you just tell him the truth

GrammarNazzzzzi 6


33 - That's what I've been thinking.. 42 - I'm curious to know if you know your name is grammatically incorrect?

well as I see it u over reacted he likes u apparently but u could of played it off if u had his number in ur contact list just say I needed it for a pic id for hos contact info seriously ur childish for doing what u did and he may not like u anymore

Er, you're calling OP childish and yet you type and use the same "slang" as a 13 year old.. Strange.

Skrillext 0

13 year olds aren't childish.

first off i was using my phone, i dont like using full words when i am texting, i know plenty of adults even my grandmother that uses words like that through there phone, and yes she was childish, why would you tackle someone, a adult wouldnt do that, im 22 and wouldnt do that, i am a mother and wouldnt do that, especially to a guy i like, and my husband agrees with me, if i had tackled him when we wasnt dating he would of took that as a sign i need to grow up,

LadyLexi 0

They is always a bad side and a good side of a situation. OP decided to tackle him and get the phone away from him instead of standing there like a dumbass idiot and letting him see the picture. So, if you choose the solution that brings good out of it instead of doing nothing, it is considered a forced situation. Don't lie and say u weren't in that type of situation that you were forced to do something. Everyone has those moments.

yeah true but she could thought of other ways of getting her phone back, or make up a excuse of why its on there, cause tackling someone is just not a good thing to do, she could of hurt him or ruin her chances of dating him, thats all i was pointing out

Guys calm down it has happens to me me b4 and I got sex out of It ;)

holdenthemonkey 3
holdenthemonkey 3

Guys calm down it has happens to me me b4 and I got sex out of It

That was such a great story. I kind of wish you would tell it again. Oh wait, you did.

dude #41 ur a complete ass ur one of the reason why the male society is frowned upon by the females cause there's less and less good men out there cause its not all about sex

How do you know it's not a woman? The gender is not specified and the username has "Laura" in it.

lol. I think you should just stop posting now, Tink ;) You're making yourself seem like a total ditz. Unless of course, that's what you're going for, in which case carry on.

also it has a guys name in the name as well so how would we know iff its a girl or a guy but the way this person talked it seemed like a guy, cause alot of guys talk like that and im not going to stop posting and it may seem to you im being a ditz but im not, its just i not really reading through everything, cause maybe i have to take care of my kids, so excuse me for not, looking fully at the person name i just assumed like how your assuming i am a ditz, you dont know me,

41's username is lauradonnellan. I would assume that her name would be Laura Donnellan. Normally Laura is a girl's name.

i made a couple wrrong choices, cause when i read the username all i really seen was the donnell. donnell is a guys name, like i said im not paying full attention to everything cause i have my kids running around and i contiinusly looking up and checking on them, so my bad and if it was a girl, im sorry for think your a guy, but its still wrrong to just be all about sex, thats not lady like as well,

Tell us you're watching your kids a few more times, Tink, I'm not quite sure the entire FML community is aware yet. If you're gonna take the time to post a comment on an FML why not take the time to read it and the OP's name beforehand?

Apologies, I meant if you're going to take the time to read comments made on someone's FML why not take the time to look at the commenter's name beforehand.