By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 05:39 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that if you're going to pour bleach on bugs to kill them, you need to be prepared for them to fly up and try to attack your face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 643
You deserved it 38 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omg like YDI for killing bugs and ******* up the natural balance of the world! support PETA 4 lyf No really, but bleach? Did you not have anything to hit them with or something?


you couldve used water couldve asphyxiated if you inhaled a lot of bleach fumes lol

I'm sure there is 1Million other thing in your house to kill a bug with besides Bleach. Bug Cruelty :(

The point is to kill them...there's really no nice way to do it and really? bug cruelty? LOOOLLLL

I like to trap them in an upside-down water bottle, with a small hole in the bottom (now top). At that point, you can siphon in gas, water, explosive material, or whatever else you please and enjoy the scene.

THAT!!! is why I use the Remington sawed-off/pistol-grip 10 gauge with 00 (double-aught) buckshot or slugs on insects!!!

Next time you can make a game out of it.

ideasrule 13

Why would you ever pour bleach on an animal that's almost certainly conscious and capable of feeling pain? How would you like it if I dumped you into a bucket of sulfuric acid? And you're surprised that the bugs didn't like it? YDI x1000 for choosing the most cruel method imaginable when you could have squashed the bugs instead, or better yet, shooed them out of the house.

ideasrule 13

Maybe I should use bleach to kill you. If you don't scream or cry, I'll agree that I'm a pansy and you're not.

windex works better. The spray wets their wings so they can't fly and then they suffocate to death. :p

omg that's horrible why the hell did you bleach them?? just crush them and end the misery don't fu.cking dissolve them alive. assface