By Anonymous - 04/03/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, I learned that if I don't clean out the litter box everyday, my cat will resort to shitting in the laundry basket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 888
You deserved it 34 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't be bothered to clean out the box every day, you shouldn't have a cat.


Think about it this way... Would you want to go to the bathroom in a toilet that was filled with shit already? Neither does your cat. YDI

do u like to use those on ur husband or r u a cop

thats bollocks how dare use saybthat about an animal even cats i own cats n the most lovely animals n always look after h wen not well n good company use by the looks if it are loser n boring ppl grow up

hurray4jmk 1

Learn to type in proper English asshole.

0opsie 6

YDI. Invest in one of those self-cleaning ones, lazy. Why would you not clean it out every day? You wouldn't like it if you had to use the same toilet for days, taking a shit on your shit, getting splashed with your own urine, and stinking everything up until the plumber decides to show up.

and so would you. to prove it let me come to your house and shit all over your toilet. I'm talking all over. I'll fill the bowl, then shit on the seat and lid, and drop a present or two on the floor. then I'll piss on all the shit. then we will see if you want to use the toilet, or find someplace else to go.

its okay... my cat pissed on the couch... on the bed... he really needs a clean litter ahahah

I'm appalled by all the cat hate. I've had cats my whole life and they've always been wonderful. Either way I voted YDI because you need to clean your cats litter every day. It's disgusting if you don't.

hurray4jmk 1

Wtf are you appalled? Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. Some people think (myself included) that cats are little *****. Get over it all ready and stfu

You're allowed to not like cats yourself but to chastise the choice of someone who does? Some of the comments by people are disgusting and makes me question their mental health. It's a fact that those who are abusive towards animals are more likely to be abusive towards fellow man.

hurray4jmk 1

get an auto cleaning litterbox, or one of those domed ones that you roll over and the crap falls into a hopper.