By Anonymous - 04/03/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, I learned that if I don't clean out the litter box everyday, my cat will resort to shitting in the laundry basket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 888
You deserved it 34 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't be bothered to clean out the box every day, you shouldn't have a cat.


UrDumB84 0

you do know that dirty ass liter boxes stress out cats so your pretty much givin it a crappy life. Prepare to find your cat pissin and shittin many more places. ps cats suck get a dog

my cat used to do that even if her litter box was cleaned

If it's using it everyday why aren't you cleaning it? Do you just leave it there for days? That's disgusting. I'm suprised you even care about the laundry.

You don't already clean it twice a day...?

zebrapattern 6

you don't do that anyway? x__x

Dang... At least my cats will go in the bathtub. That's easier to clean than a laundry basket, assuming said basket is full of laundry.

"Today, I had to resort to ******** in a laundry basket because my owner didn't bother to clean my litter box. FML"