By Madokami - 30/01/2017 11:37 - United States - Kingston

Today, a customer became irrationally angry and called me a "stupid bitch", all because she couldn't use the coupon clearly marked "30% off grocery items" on a prescription from our pharmacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 751
You deserved it 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

countryb_cth 38

Welp you can't fix stupid. And apparently stupid doesn't know how to read. Maybe give her some reading glasses for next time.

I honestly worry for people like that...The level of wrong in that situation is so high, you have to wonder if there's actually something wrong with how their minds work. And there are actually a lot of people these days who do stuff like this. Seriously, it goes far beyond just being stupid or taking the "the customer is always right" thing too literally. I feel like these kinds of customers are legitimately not right in the head.


countryb_cth 38

Welp you can't fix stupid. And apparently stupid doesn't know how to read. Maybe give her some reading glasses for next time.

Does your pharmacy have any grocery items? That's pretty much the most you can justify the customers reasoning. Still pretty dumb though

Pretty sure in NYS you can't use coupons at pharmacies anyway. As a fellow pharmer, I feel your pain.

jcash52426 5

I would have responded Hooked on phonics bitch.

I honestly worry for people like that...The level of wrong in that situation is so high, you have to wonder if there's actually something wrong with how their minds work. And there are actually a lot of people these days who do stuff like this. Seriously, it goes far beyond just being stupid or taking the "the customer is always right" thing too literally. I feel like these kinds of customers are legitimately not right in the head.

At least you weren't called a "bum bitch" because a guest didn't want to pay the last $2 on their bill... People have problems, but I refuse to let it affect me... Good luck OP!!!

pharm121 21

I can relate. I've been called a dumb **** because I follow HIPPA privacy laws and wouldn't release private information to someone who wasn't the patient.

AtomicLondon 8

As someone who has worked retail and customer service for some time now.. I have come to learn that a good 80% of people who walk through the door are in fact illiterate. Or maybe they're just selectively literate? Either way, it happens more often than it should. I'm sorry, OP

Ah, the wonderful world of retail. Sorry that happened to you. The customers hope we won't pay attention and they'll get away with whichever scam they're up to. People are so manipulative in these situations. They get pissed off when they get caught and also don't get their way.

I feel your pain. Retail pharmacy .. gotta love it