By Anonymous - 04/03/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, I learned that if I don't clean out the litter box everyday, my cat will resort to shitting in the laundry basket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 888
You deserved it 34 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't be bothered to clean out the box every day, you shouldn't have a cat.


cats are not interesting. all they do is make hissing noises and struggle while you put them in a burlap sack and throw it in a pond.

Well, no shit, Sherlock. Do you like using dirty, stinky topilets? Well, they don't either.

That should say toilet. Typing on a Blackberry can be a PITA.

sarawwh 0
sweetputters1261 0

love it! my cat does it all the time.

My cat does that too. Keeping the LB clean is better for you in the long run anyway!

mrbungles 0

all cats should be murdered, Hitler style.

My cat pisses on your bed if the litter box isn't to her liking. So we had to buy two boxes for one girl cat. Meanest ******* cat in the world.

hallkchallkc 4