By farhia97 - 08/11/2011 02:14 - United States

Today, I learned how much it hurts to put a mint up your nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 231
You deserved it 54 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments


biduu 5
leadman1989 15

Junior mints fit nicely in all orafices, they would be my non oral mint of choice. Also WHY??? Was your rep on the line?

perdix 29

Didn't you read the fine print on the bottom of the screen of the ads saying how refreshing a York Peppermint Pattie is? "Not for nasal, genital, ophthalmic or otic use. Only refreshing if inserted into the alimentary canal -- either end."

sierra142 19

Shove a berry up the other nostril and run around going "MINT BERRY CRRRRRUUUNNNCCCHH!!"

Parazad 16

Trying to clear your nasal passenges?

MarjoCupcake 11

Mints don't grow on trees silly. Try an apple seed.

Why the Hell would you even think of putting a Mint up your nose ?? Are You 2 years old ???? LIKE DUHHHHH -- TARD !