By Beefballs - 29/07/2009 06:22 - Canada

Today, I just found out my dad got remarried a year ago. The woman is officially living with us, I got to have lunch with her alone today. I found out she is only 22, with a 14 year old little brother. My dad's 47. I'm 17, now with a 14 year old uncle and a mom that can pass for my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 374
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks for you...go find yourself an older woman and show her to your dad lol

Marry her mom so you could be your own Grampa


catmsgt87 3

Dude I know your pain. My Mom broke up with a really cool dude her own age and 2 months later married a guy 3 mos. younger than me with 2 brothers 3 yrs younger than me. My wife found my "step dad's" jr. picture in her senior year book.

im guessing your dads rich and she has another dude

take her from youre dad. gave couple of kids too

Give that dad a metal .. or a high five .

kelardy 11

Whoops nvm i read that wrong

When your "uncle" bosses you around, tell him to square up

If she's 22 and her kid is 14, that means she was like around 8 when she had him?