By SickSmick - 09/02/2010 12:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I have the flu, food poisoning and I'm on my period. I have enough liquids pouring out of me from various holes to satisfy a sewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 586
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucksforyoudude 0

sucks for you babe, get to feelin better


suck it up? you must be a male.... damn you

seriously man we males have no comparison of that time of the month,we can't relate to it, but if I had to I'd say it's like the ring of fire

johncow123 0

i am responsible for one of the holes

rosario_hates7 0

ya feel better that must really suck

Gunguy 11

ew, that's ******* disgusting. here's my fml. Today, I heard the most grossest story ever, fml. D:

I hope you are drinking lots of water or else dehydration may be added onto the list!

dude seriously! i just ate!! (not kidding)

that's enough to make a brotha say DAYUM!!!!!!