By SickSmick - 09/02/2010 12:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I have the flu, food poisoning and I'm on my period. I have enough liquids pouring out of me from various holes to satisfy a sewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 586
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucksforyoudude 0

sucks for you babe, get to feelin better


Diahrea, ear infection, and pink eye would really make it a party!!!

Icarus_II 0

#112. absolute win. if videos were attachable this would make the whole FML a win.

haha ew. but that sucks way bad I feel ya.

ouch that sucks i hope you dont have too much of a heavy flow or bad cramps!

Rose1989_fml 0

I had the same thing happen to me. Except I also had a kidney infection, when my boyfriend of three years and I where planning on going on a romantic weekend. It was the day after Christmas. FML. Anyways, I know how you feel, I'm sorry. It sucks. Soda will help with the vomiting. Get the brand-name Coke-a-Cola. A heating blanket will also help you feel better. Don't forget to drink and eat whatever you can even if you can't keep it down. Even after you're feeling better make sure you take some immunity busters or something so you don't get sick AGAIN. Trust me. I hope you feel better! -_-' ~Rose

ashleyfemia09 0

why would ANYONE say YDI? asses.