By jackass - 13/04/2009 10:46 - United States

Today, I handed the keys to my Mustang to my mom so she could go car shopping. As she pulled away, I remembered the condom wrappers, sex toy packaging, and empty bottle of rum that was in the passenger's seat of my car. I'm twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 853
You deserved it 82 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skierguy 0

I don't really see what the importance of the "I'm twenty" part is. That would be embarrassing at any age, but by twenty I should think your mom would be OK with you having sex and drinking. If you were 16 that might be a different story.

ambrz 0

Then I'm 20 is important because the drinking age in America is 21 lol


#114 his mother could be the one paying his insurance and or is th e actual owner of the car and he is the secondary driver

tdawgheath 0
snoopy24_fml 0

117, maybe the reason he can afford a mustang is BECAUSE he lives at home and therefore doesn't have to pay rent or utilities (unless of course his parents are one of those who makes him pay rent / utilities for staying at home).

God are you people slow? The OP is saying theyre 20 because they are most likely underage. Not goddamn rocket science.

I'm an Aussie, our legal drinking age is 18, we don't have that 'no open alcohol in cars' law, the age to buy sex toys and such is 18, so i just read this and laughed.

Gaiwa 0

1: "No open alcohol in cars law" - how stupid is that? You're drunk or you're not. "The possibility to drink"... ?! Are people unable to OPEN it later? If its empty, so what? If its empty and you're not drunk, whats the danger? 2. You're 20. Sooo? I dont know, but I guess the most people drink alcohol with 16 (here its legal) und I guess, 90% are no longer a virgin with 16, too. And I guess the most parents know that. You're 20, having sex and drinking alcohol. Thats hardcore. 3. Living with the parents: So? Thats more or less normal. With 20, its no big deal. 4. Mustang: Having a job or rich parents helps. I know a lot of people who had a BMW or Porsche in this age. One got a ******* Ferrari for is 18th birthday....

loveyahun 0

Ewww. Rum is toys are kind of cool looking. :)

X_Death_Note_X 8

oh god. why would you hand over your mustang to your mom anyway? dude i woukdnt let my parents touch it.