By Anonymous - 01/04/2018 01:00 - China - Xiamen

Today I found out my university incorrectly calculated my GPA. The threshold for the Ph.D. scholarship was 2.69, and I had a 2.68, so I did not get the scholarship. My new GPA is 3.34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 145
You deserved it 305

Top comments

You can probably get things changed up. Give them a call.

Their mistake cost you money (assuming a lot of money since it's for college) so you should attempt to get them to rectify the situation and if they refuse you should sue.


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Let's just take the benefit of the doubt and assume "you people" is directed towards the intelligentsia and university academics who miscalculated your scores, as opposed to on ethnic stereotyping...

CTFD! I used the “you people” on purpose to seem like more of an ass. It’s part of the joke.

It’s capitalism’s fault, not yours. Self-righteous indignation is a product sold to the proletariat to divide them into factions and prevent them from uniting and seizing the means of production from the bourgeoisie!

You can probably get things changed up. Give them a call.

Their mistake cost you money (assuming a lot of money since it's for college) so you should attempt to get them to rectify the situation and if they refuse you should sue.

You should get some consideration since they made in error in calculating your GPA.

Donut_Wizard 23

I’m sorry, but the gpa they were looking for was 3.14, but thanks for playing.

chessu 21

There was probably a deadline and more applicants than scholarships, so he's missed out on the money. Only thing you can do is try to pressure the university somehow, maybe lowering your fees or free accommodation or like ANYTHING at all as they ****** up. However, could you not calculate it yourself (at least roughly) based on your grades. Such a big difference should've clearly popped out easily?

fuckingkillme17 8

the university sends records with the gpa on it to the scholarship normally

That’s a huge difference to not notice. I mean, I don’t know your circumstances, but surely...

Lobby_Bee 17

Get some work experience for a year, it'll do you some good.