Shovel to the head

By Raw - 25/01/2017 14:00

Today, I shoveled snow at work. I had to because my co-workers refused to "get sick." I told my co-workers if anyone needs me, just tell them I'm shoveling snow. Our boss asked for me and they said that I left without punching. This also happened when I went out to water the flowers in the summer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 280
You deserved it 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make sure your boss knows where you were. In the future, clear it with your boss before doing such things. That way he will know and appreciate what you are doing, and if he thinks someone else should do it, it will give him the opportunity to tell one of your sorry-ass coworkers to do it instead.

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

I agree with 2. You should let your boss know before doing something. If you can't find your boss then go to a trusted coworker. Hopefully you don't get in too much trouble OP!


possomman 10

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Make sure your boss knows where you were. In the future, clear it with your boss before doing such things. That way he will know and appreciate what you are doing, and if he thinks someone else should do it, it will give him the opportunity to tell one of your sorry-ass coworkers to do it instead.

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

I agree with 2. You should let your boss know before doing something. If you can't find your boss then go to a trusted coworker. Hopefully you don't get in too much trouble OP!

cootiequeen4444 11

Well, now you know your co-workers are little ***** whom can't be trusted. gotta take out the proven dysfunctional middle man and take your messages to the boss directly. Hopefully your boss will notice your exemplary behavior and how your co-workers maybe need to follow suite. On the flipside, why do your coworkers supposedly seem to dislike you enough to potentially sabotage your employment? *eyes sleptically* Did you do something to offend OP? Of course, they could just be worried your taking initiative means they no longer have an excuse to be collectively lazy. Or, a on the other hand, you could be a rude twerp. As your are the one whom wrote the FML, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, however.

Who* You're* Who* You* sorry that was driving me crazy.

Are the comment numbers screwed up for anybody else?

LittleLittlered7 6

I'm thinking your co-workers are a bunch of cliquey snots. I have some co-workers who did similar whenever the boss wasn't there and I'd volunteer to shovel/drive to the other store etc. He'd just ckock me out and write me up. I constantly had to get security to check cameras to prove I was where I said I was. It became such a hassle that he banned me from those duties. In the end, he made the prissiest girl there shovel etc and she was always whining about the cold and how her cute boots were "ruined" lol

TacoTheDank 27

Wow, I would really hate to be you. I abhore people like your co-workers.

awildwhisper 30

That sounds like a good boss.

thundawill28 0

you should probably leave said job ??

I would have opened my phone w hen my coworker was being lazy recorded her (asking her why i had to do this ) gone outside and recorded myself shoveling nsow, then sent the video to my boss. HELLO PEOPLE YOU HAVE A CAMERA ON YOU AT ALL TIMES RECORD THESE MORONS.

Send video of you shoveling to the boss?! - Nobody likes a suckup

Pretty sure this goes without saying, but your coworkers are assholes. I suggest taking the previous commenters' advice.

Hard to know how to take this. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Everyone has to look after themselves. It's not your colleagues responsibility to tell your boss where you are. First time should have been a warning. You really should let your boss know first

mariri9206 32

You're right - it's not their coworkers responsibility to let others know where OP is. However, since OP asked, doing so is called common courtesy and being a good coworker. Also, it shouldn't be on OP to be the one to go outside and shovel or water flowers all the time and OP's coworkers should get off their entitled behinds and do some actual work instead of acting like princesses and just repeatedly screwing over OP.