By thatsmejl - 15/09/2011 13:47 - United States

Today, I had to fire an employee because she constantly calls in, or is late to work. She became very emotional and I felt kind of bad, so I walked her out myself. We then got stuck in the company elevator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 161
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

"so what's your plans for the weekend?"


wait was he willing to do "anything" to keep her job ;D

you shouldn't feel bad it's her own fault that she got fired like she didn't see it coming

Hreyes, shouldn't you be looking for a new job and not posting comments on FML?

I'm confused ... after you fired her (which you had good reason to do) & she became incredibly upset, what made you think she'd want to have any further interaction with you in the first place ? Were you hoping she'd reply with "It's ok, I understand" & invite you out for drinks in-between her crying & sobbing ?

almathis1994 6

Because he was being as kind as possible with her being so emotional. He was being helpful. Or trying to get a crazy woman out of the building before a killing spree. Your choice.

It's not OP's fault her attendance sucked. I'm sure she was warned prior to her getting fired...

gamefreakpog 5

That has GOT to be awkward... were you guys just silent the whole time? o-O