By thatsmejl - 15/09/2011 13:47 - United States

Today, I had to fire an employee because she constantly calls in, or is late to work. She became very emotional and I felt kind of bad, so I walked her out myself. We then got stuck in the company elevator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 161
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

"so what's your plans for the weekend?"


perdix 29

Now she has a chance to apply for the new opening you created. Maybe she can exhibit some of the skills she's been hiding and convince you that she's right for the position. What can she do to get that job? Hmmmm.

Brooding99 15

"Nice guys finish last" isn't just some saying, its proven daily...

Arsonnist 3

Especially if OP was racing someone to the lobby.

squarecircles 13

Well it coulda been worse. One of you could have farted.

Lightbulb830 4

"So... Strange weather we have been having, huh?"

ace1092 3

Reminds me of the movie Devil. Lol

apndi 9

Haha yeah that's the first thing I thought of when I read this.

@DocBastard Oh my god you made my life with that comment. lmao

BellaBelle_fml 23

Not sure how karma fits this situation...