By lamb-chop - 02/12/2008 06:32 - France

Today, my philosophy teacher asked me about my parents. I replied that my mum was a cleaner and my dad was a bus driver. In an astonished voice, she said, "But, you're clever..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 898
You deserved it 2 467

Same thing different taste

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I can't believe she said that! It doesn't matter whether or not your parents are super smart. And they could well be brilliant and just never had the right chances in life. My grandfather was brilliant but his family was very poor so he ended up working in the coal mines all his life.

Emily84 0

My clarinet teacher from undergrad is one of the most brilliant people I know, and throughout her growing-up years, her parents were both clerks.


Eir_fml 1

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Emily84 0

My clarinet teacher from undergrad is one of the most brilliant people I know, and throughout her growing-up years, her parents were both clerks.

I can't believe she said that! It doesn't matter whether or not your parents are super smart. And they could well be brilliant and just never had the right chances in life. My grandfather was brilliant but his family was very poor so he ended up working in the coal mines all his life.

I think that it also doesn't matter what job you do, you can be brilliant. Life isn't always fair (Reference the million FMLs with idiot bosses)

rawchelllll 0

Wowww. Normally we just THINK those things. She said it out loud! Props for taking that hahah. But yeah, quit her class.

Sounds like a pretty bad philosophy teacher to me. Perhaps it was an attempt at humour?

AliGInTheHouse 24

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lifeasweknewit 0
latereflex 0

WAS a cleaner? WAS a bus driver? What happened to them?

fail at being a grammar nazi.He is talking in the past tense:)

KeenJane 9

13- The story is not currently happening, it takes place in the past. Have you never taken an English class? Fail.

I don't think he was being a grammar Nazi, I think he was seriously wondering

magnetic_aura 26

The professor was surprised because the OP is clever and likely intelligent, but his/her parents worked at jobs that are often looked down upon. Cleaning and bus driving don't exactly take the most mental activity, but that doesn't mean that the people who hold those jobs are unintelligent.