By Anonymous - 28/03/2014 22:05 - United Kingdom - Brentwood

Today, I had to calm my rather gullible boyfriend down and reassure him that the email he got, telling him that he has AIDS, was just a scam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 687
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he believes that then he'll really be in trouble when he receives his Nigerian Prince e-mail.

No, a doctor secretly took a blood sample from him then emailed him the results. Happens all the time


happyfingers 15

If he was really that worried maybe he thinks he has reason to be...? Maybe you should both get checked out soon...

i agree, for someone to easily agree, maybe something's up with him; do u kno his past? did use protection with past partners? i would not only test him but u too

I hope scams don't come up offer for him...

tehdarkness 21

Hope it truly is a scam and you aren't just trying to convince yourself! refuse to have sex with him till he gets a second opinion :-)

uh if he had a blood sample done, then he does in fact have aids.

where do you live that you think they e-mail you news like that?