By FML - 30/08/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I had to buy another pair of 'fat jeans', because my old 'fat jeans' became my new 'skinny jeans'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 285
You deserved it 58 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take control. Eat healthier. Be more active. You can do it!

So, you've gained a ton of weight. What do you do? Log onto the computer! Best solution ever award.


Maybe you should do something about it???????

Omg. You're fat. You're life is definitely f***ed. Maybe you should do something about it besides complaining that you're fat on FML and hoping people will sympathize with you?

These fat FMLs are getting kinda lame. It always ends up with people clicking YDI. If you're considering posting an FML about your weight, rather make the effort to lose it than posting. It's not funny, and nobody cares

123sploosh 0

you are stoops. i think this is a legit fml like its funny and its sucky at the same time. i like it. it entertained me. stop being so mean!!

alex_vik 0

Holy shit, stop ******* eating.

So, you've gained a ton of weight. What do you do? Log onto the computer! Best solution ever award.

The good news is that the new "fat, fat" jeans don't have to have a pocket for your pencil, because you can keep some in your rolls.

mrda 0

I seen this fml somewhere...

Trollkiller 0

u know wat I think of u op some very fat cow who likes to hog like a pig and has never ever heard of the word dieting...n thinks it will be cool to bitch abt it over here! and my 2nd thought one of the owner of this site is some fat ass coz most of the fmls here nowadays are about fat people crying without trying.

CheshireHalli 19

Wow, you're soooo nice. [/sarcasm] Instead of bashing her, why not offer something constructive? Use that single brain cell for something nice. =) BTW, OP, you may not even be that big... what size did you go to from? Another thing: could it be your genetics? That does make it harder to lose weight... =]