Can't win, part 15

By Kay Kay - 23/05/2020 05:00

Today, while my parents were grocery shopping, I cleaned the kitchen, swept floors, did laundry, and cleaned bathrooms, only to finish right before they got home. After dinner, my dad bitched and complained that I didn't take out the trash and he had no room to throw away his paper plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 196
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My mother was like this. It’ll feel a lot better once you get out on your own. Good luck, op.

tounces7 27

Classic narcissist. You can do everything, but if you miss the slightest thing, they jump down your throat. Be prepared to cut him out of your life entirely whenever you get the chance.


My mother was like this. It’ll feel a lot better once you get out on your own. Good luck, op.

Well, if the trash was so full that your father really didn't have room to throw away a paper plate, then maybe you did a lousy job cleaning the place.

tounces7 27

Classic narcissist. You can do everything, but if you miss the slightest thing, they jump down your throat. Be prepared to cut him out of your life entirely whenever you get the chance.

Why is he eating off a paper plate at home? If he used china, he wouldn't have so much trash.