By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 04:03 - United States

Today, I had to bury my horse again because coyotes keep digging it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 030
You deserved it 3 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kimcompton83 12

How many times have you had to do it?

Now hold your horses, OP can comment if he choose too , but as you said, it is highly un likely.


an3ph 20

Putting a big rock (or rocks) on top of a dead animal while burying it will prevent other animals from digging it up. That's what we did with our cat.

Pooks7 12

I heard somewhere if they smell male pee they won't go around that area, trying peeing around the horse grave. sorry it kinda sucks

That's because you're not burying the horse deep enough.