By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 21:16 - United States

Today, I had to break up a fistfight between my wife and mother. Apparently, my mom heard that I finally got the great paying job of my dreams, and told my wife I'd finally kick her "useless ass to the curb." We have to spend the holidays together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 642
You deserved it 3 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could kick your mom to the curb and not invite her over for holidays.

ters19 10

That seems like something my family would do


JinxosGirl87 0

I wouldn't have broken it up, I would have been on the sidelines egging on the wife :)

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Yet another one with mother-in-law issues.

KiddNYC1O 20
bizarre_ftw 21

Ha! No you don't! Tell your mother that you can't be around her until she can learn to be civil towards the woman you love And to apologize to her! Then enjoy freedom while you wait for her to suck up her pride

I have a mother in law that I want out

Well at least there is a good conversation starter for the holidays!

kick em both to the curb and start over with your new job.

If your mother so freely said that to your wife, I'd imagine their relationship is less than stellar already. It's not too late to be a good husband & tell your mother you won't tolerate her treating your wife like that or else. If you're too much of a little bitch to do that, divorce your wife so she has a chance to find a real man who isn't up his mommy's ass.

And if his mother is right and he's just been pandering to a manipulative wife? Americans have no respect for family.

some_girl9 8

And if his mother is NOT right, #102? Gotta love how all these comments are so quick to generalize all Americans. You don't know the circumstances. So sure, it's possible his wife is a manipulative bitch, but it's also entirely possible that she's just the victim of a bitchy, jealous mother-in-law. And if that's the case, then he SHOULD stand up to her and defend his wife.

102, even if that was the case, that's something the husband should approach his wife about in private. I don't care if the daughter in law is the biggest bitch in the's not ever his mommy's place to tell her he's going to be getting rid of her.

Everyone assumes that it's not the case and are so quick to tell the OP to ditch their mother, with little to know actually information about the situation, so it's not jumping to conclusions about a whole group of people as this kind of thing is a consistent trend in these posts. While it is possible that the mother could be a bitch, the wife seems to have in no tried to avoid the situation by the fact that A. The wife immediately went to engage the mother and B. The mother can say whatever she wants, as the wife is an OUTSIDER, thus she should know better than to get into an altercation with actual family. But then again I can see why everyone would just assume that the mother is a bitch because they all feel like family should just be nice and keep anything they don't wanna hear to themselves.

You are so wrong, the mother said this to the wife not to her son and the wife did exactly what I would have done hell if I'm going to be disrespected in my house by anyone. He needs to tell his mother until she apologizes to his wife he can't see her because his wife and children if they have them are his life and his wife isn't going anywhere .. I am assume you wouldn't mind if your MIL said crap like that to you especially on your own home?