By Face_loser - 24/11/2009 08:11 - United States

Today, I had to break up with my girlfriend on her request because she "didn't have the heart to do it." Within twenty minutes I'd received 4 calls from mutual friends, including my best friend, telling me what a jerk I am. And one from my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 443
You deserved it 5 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1,2,3; why are you calling him a jerk?! Would you continue your relationship if you knew your girl/boyfriend didn't want to be with you anymore but was too much of a chicken to break up with you? I think not. She's the bitch here.

hanic101 0

Wow what a bitch. I say it's a good thing u dumped her.


Hating fml's comment feed right now. I hit reply on an entirely different comment, and my reply got posted to this one... which didn't even exist when I hit reply... GRRRRR!!!!

hanic101 0

Wow what a bitch. I say it's a good thing u dumped her.

yeah really. she has no guts to dump him but she has the guts to spread the news? bitch

RandomHavoc1 13

He should have told her and everyone else it was a mutual decision.

#1,2,3; why are you calling him a jerk?! Would you continue your relationship if you knew your girl/boyfriend didn't want to be with you anymore but was too much of a chicken to break up with you? I think not. She's the bitch here.

I would actually. Make her learn to break up herself Ps I was #2

she had enough guts to say she didn't want to be with him. what's the diff? but still... it seems like he did it out of decency for her. he shouldn't have. He should've let her do it herself

waterynuggets 0

Hey baby, can you call me back in 5 and break up with me? I just don't have the heart to do it.

i lol'd OP: YDI for not being boyfriend material. -

And you just gave up and did it?? Did you ever consider it was a test by her to see if you really wanted the relationship to work? Or perhaps you just wanted the easy way out.

A test like that would be an excellent reason to break up with her anyways. Who the hell wants to deal with mind games like that in a relationship? For all intents and purposes she broke up with him, what the hell does this "at her request" BS even mean? "Hey baby, I don't want to see you anymore, will you break up with me? I just don't have the heart to do it." [Read: I think you're a wuss and you'll do it because I asked you to so that I don't have to look like a bitch to all our friends.]

he is a wuss and will probably get a boyfriend now...

How does dumping a girl that doesn't want to be with you any more make you a wuss?

What the actual **** are you talking about? Are you honestly arguing that the girl said she wanted to break up with her boyfriend but she couldn't do it was a test of their relationship?

Antivirus_fml 0

YDI. If you don't have the balls to tell her that if she wants out, she has to get out, then you deserve to cop flak for breaking up with her - because that's exactly what you did.