By Bitchjackedmyball - 12/09/2012 08:52 - United States - Kihei

Today, I had just bought a new $60 basketball and decided to go try it out. Five minutes into playing, the ball decided to roll into the hands of a little girl, who then said, "Mine". I thought it was cute, until she skipped over to her parent's car and they drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 538
You deserved it 5 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

You just got mugged by a little girl. They grow up so fast!

Selfish little girl. Why didn't you run and take the ball away from her as soon as she grabbed it?


I'm sorry op, but irrelevant worse for the parents. If that little girl can get your new ball away from you after one cute look , she must have her parents wrapped around her finger! I bet she even has a pony. Darn those cute kids!

God damn auto correct I meant * it's probably worse for the parents*

Parents who have kids and don't give a **** that they do that should really have them taken away. Those kind of people don't deserve to be parents.

mintcar 9

It's never cute when they say " mine. " They always mean it. Always.

The toddler's law of ownership: If I like it, it's mine. If you have it and I want it, it's mine. If I ever had it, it's mine forever.

Regardless of how much the basketball was, I'd be mad that a little bratty girl stole my ball. And how the parents didn't notices and stop her is beyond me? They should have known it didn't belong to their child when she got in their car.

her parents need better parenting skills. Did you tryand atleast get the tag number.

I can't help but wonder what the parents were doing?? They just sit there, in front of someone's home while their little girl runs out of the car and steals a ball? And then they drive off only after she's stolen it? It sounds to me like this was definitely premeditated, and not an impulse decision by a little girl. As for you OP, while I don't understand the concept of paying so much for a ball, I'm sorry that it got stolen from you. Especially since it was so soon after your purchase. You should've at least gotten some actual use out of it first! Sigh.. If I had been you, I would've probably tried to follow their car for as long as possible, and if they stopped within a reasonable distance for me, I would've definitely had a talk with both the parents and the girl. Brats today are getting worse and worse!

perdix 29

If you're not fast enough to run down a little girl skipping, basketball is probably not the sport for you. You don't need a ball. Your defense sucks and that's what you should focus on.

That reminds me of the basketball scene in " Along Came Polly". Thanks perdix!

Bitch jacked yo ball. This is why you don't trust little kids.