By kacie smith - 16/09/2012 12:36 - United States - Youngsville

Today, my husband and I bought a new swing for our front porch. We put it together and sat down to enjoy our accomplishment. 5 minutes into our swing I threw up several times. I have really bad motion sickness, and apparently a swing is no exception. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 710
You deserved it 3 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So was your childhood nonexistent? Or is motion sickness one of those things you can develop as an adult (assuming you're not pregnant or anything)?

perdix 29

Why didn't you get off after you threw up the first time? I'll bet your sex life is very dynamic ;) You probably lay there like a boat anchor to keep from puking.


wow looks like we've got a potential coldplay war (vivalacoldplay and coldplaysucks)

12- you're right! Bring on the butthurt!

Having different tastes in music is not worth having a war over...

What the **** is with all these assholes who think their cool thumbing a comment down just to thumb it down! That's so gay

Apparently 35 has not yet joined the world of accepting people who do not view "gay" as an insult.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

47- it's a combination game of Russian roulette and naked twister that is played in the snow or sleet.

LOL!!! I know who "Coldplay" is I just thought your comment was hysterical!!! XD

i've just noticed the first comment usually ends up buried...looks like some people can't handle the pressure

So was your childhood nonexistent? Or is motion sickness one of those things you can develop as an adult (assuming you're not pregnant or anything)?

I'm so glad I don't have motion sickness. My mom pretty much can't sit in the backseat of a car. Fyl, op

With my motion sickness, I can't spin around in repetitive circles without throwing up, so I don't go on swings and spin the chains up. I also can't go on roller coasters.

I get motion sickness easily too. Sometimes just going on an elevator can trigger it.):

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Motion sickness sucks...I can't read in cars, go on merry-go-rounds, or even go on high swings :( Roller coasters and even water slides are a big no-no, too :/

TeslaFreak 2

Motion sickness sucks. I get real nauseated on long car rides and I can't go on any spinning rides with an exception of the ferris wheel. I'm afraid of roller-coasters so I don't go on those and they'd probably make me sick anyway

I had motion sickness from cars (and only cars) growing up and still do even when I'm driving.

The sun burns via a series of nuclear reactions. I didn't know that was a thing when it came to religious versus scientific debate... Just wow. -.-

I'm getting woozy just reading this thread.... arggggg. Didn't know FML could trigger motion sickness, until now.

75, do you have trouble reading? Read the entire picture.

Oh goodness, I'm sorry. I could not see it well enough on my iPod. I retract my earlier statement.

It is sadly something you can develop with time. I used to love swings when I was a kid: the faster, the better. I would go on any roller coaster as a teenager and enjoy the craziest loops. Now the slightest motion on a swing would get me queasy.

Can't you just sit on it and not swing back and forth??

That could be a little difficult.... But I suppose it would make the effort you made putting it together worthwhile :)

That would defeat the purpose of sitting on a swing

How many people actually "swing" on a porch swing though... It's for the style and for comfort. Not for fun

littlesister67 0

*raises hand* me too. Whats the point in having a swing if you're just gonna sit in it. They make chairs for that.

Me too! That's the whole point of having a swing. For me it's almost physically impossible NOT to swing at least a little bit while sitting on one!

And not to mention the awkward hight to where you just barely can't touch your feet to the ground, therefore making it impossible to use a swing as a chair.

Aww FYL OP... That would be a really fun way to spend time with your husband... It sucks you spent all that time and effort building something you can't use. Maybe there is a way to stabilize it so that you can just sit there and not swing? Just an option.

perdix 29

Why didn't you get off after you threw up the first time? I'll bet your sex life is very dynamic ;) You probably lay there like a boat anchor to keep from puking.

you're an ass. don't make fun of people for things they can't help

I only agree with the first part. Should have gotten off the swing but to make fun because of involuntarily getting sick is just rude.

saIty 17

Dang guys. It was a joke not a dick. Don't take it so hard.

astralvagan 20

Don't worry Perdix.... These people must be noobs

Perdix's sense of humour isn't for the faint of heart, I suppose.

Kn0wledge123 21

Lol @ the people butthurt over his comment. Its just a joke. C'mon son...

nancyschmancy 9

14, you put perdix down as one of your favourite commenters and yet you act like you don't understand his strange sense of humour? Odd!

that's gotta be some serious motion sickness. FYL OP

Damn maybe you could get some medicine or something for that motion sickness? or just sit in it don't swing back and forth.

Well, looks like its time to move that swing to the bed room....

this way she can throw up on their bed. it makes it that much more romantic

Sounds like somebody's going to have a gently used swing at a bargain price soon.