By Nohouseforme - 07/10/2016 05:38 - United States - Tempe

Today, I was house-hunting online. I was becoming increasingly discouraged and began to look for mini-houses in absurd desperation. I noticed the Google sidebar advertising a cute mini house within my budget. Excited, I clicked on the ad - only to discover it was an ad for a child's playhouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 533
You deserved it 1 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You would be better off renting until you can afford a house you want. You will be miserable in a house you have to settle for and if the house is at you max budget then you will be stuck for several years unless you take a loss on the house.


Hey, if a shrink ray's included, it's perfect! Happy hunting!

I don't know about you but I'd prefer a growth ray.

The tiny house hunting thing may be going a bit far now.

You would be better off renting until you can afford a house you want. You will be miserable in a house you have to settle for and if the house is at you max budget then you will be stuck for several years unless you take a loss on the house.

I recently had the same experience when looking for a folding crib for my infant while we're transitiong to a new state. I found a ridiculously price one that excited me as we're living on savings just to find that it was a doll's crib. So, I definitely understand.

Why are people thumbing this down? It's very expensive there! I have a good job, yet I still live in a van down by the river!

You can afford waterfront van property?! Lucky! I can only afford refrigerator box under the overpass on my salary.

How much was this child's play house? Look into renting for awhile. It also looks good to have renters under you when you get a loan because it'll show you make your payments every month.

kusje 30

Must be a very small budget... The chances you'll ever find a house for the price of a playhouse are not so large

You mean it didn't click when the price tag only read $100?