By Anonymous - 07/01/2015 00:26 - United States - Eureka

Today, I moved into my new apartment complex. I left some items including a cherished painting my best friend made for me outside the front door while I moved furniture into my bedroom. When I went back outside, someone had kicked a huge hole in the painting. Welcome to the neighborhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 547
You deserved it 4 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry, some people have a way of trying to ruin things. ...but no one can take away the amazing gesture your best friend has done for you. :-)

katcherjoons 3

If it was cherished perhaps you should have moved it in first, or left it in a more secure location than the sidewalk until you were ready for it.


revan546 24

Just get some duct tape it'll fix it right up

You could actually sew it up. If it was just kicked all the pieces should still be attached. That would actually be quite beautiful. Coming from an artistically inclined person here.

actually if theres a hole in the middle and no peices fell of OP could put duct tape on the back where its not visible

So sorry, some people have a way of trying to ruin things. ...but no one can take away the amazing gesture your best friend has done for you. :-)

I'm sorry OP. Hope you'll find out who did it and you two can come to some kind of solution. Though emotional damage can't really be undone.

Sorry OP! I hope someone witnessed it and I hope it can be fixed somehow!

19990231 29

Find them, and kick a hole in their head. You're the new person on the block and can make a reputation for yourself.

anthonyksee 11

At least it wasnt the mona lisa

Sorry to hear about that! I don't inserts and why some people just go out of their way to be disrespectful. But regardless, the painting was a nice gift from your friend! :)

Your comment confused me so much at first. Was "inserts and" supposed to be "understand?"