By Dani_Rich - 16/02/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop for speeding in a 25 MPH zone. As the cop was walking towards my car, I flicked my cig-bud out of my window. So, the cop did me the pleasure of writing me two tickets instead of one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 985
You deserved it 173 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In general, when I find out someone smokes, my respect for them drops. Hugely. Likely due to the fact that I've seen first hand, people I love dying because of it. Smoking to begin with is stupid. Speeding in a 25mph means you were in a residential area and likely there were kids in the neighborhood, again stupid. And finally, literring out your car window as a cop is walking up to it, stupid idea number 3. 3 Strikes and you're out. Your life is only "******" becuase of your own stupid decisions.

wtf_fml 0

duhhhhhh. seriously wtf how thick can you get.


Cigarette or cigar? It's not illegal to smoke cigarettes in your own car... unless you meant it was a cigar. But then I don't know the laws about that.

Flicking your bud out of your car is illegal. it's called litering

****** smokers and their utter disregard for the environment. it's illegal to litter you fuckface!

wow you idiot. it's not that he was smoking it's that he littered.

wtf_fml 0

t: Amkii: tobacco isn't illegal in any form. the extra ticket he got i'm assuming was for littering.

bezach 0

where I live it's illigle to smoke near anyone under 16

gracevet88 0

Then y r Cuban cigars illegal?

For us it's 18 and you've gotten corrected enough so I won't do it.

In general, when I find out someone smokes, my respect for them drops. Hugely. Likely due to the fact that I've seen first hand, people I love dying because of it. Smoking to begin with is stupid. Speeding in a 25mph means you were in a residential area and likely there were kids in the neighborhood, again stupid. And finally, literring out your car window as a cop is walking up to it, stupid idea number 3. 3 Strikes and you're out. Your life is only "******" becuase of your own stupid decisions.

9 I smoke, speed, and flick my ciggarete butts out the window and I'm only 14 what ya have to say to that bitch!

You're soooo cool because you smoke.... i hope you get lung cancer and die in a hole.

fonzie1808 0

your respect for them drops? why? what does them smoking have to do with respect? at all?

greendaygirl999 5

OH MY GOD EXACTLY thank you for saying that that's exactly what I was thinking.

hey douch, just cuz there a smoker doesn't mean there bad, it just means they made a bad decision in there life. my best friends mom Is a smoker and she is a very respectful person. she quit but she got hooked again. so stfu and get ur crumb of a brain some common sense befor u bash on people who smoke. I don't smoke nor will I ever but people who smoke aren't bad. they made a bad decision, that's all.

I have to say, you have no life. plain and simple.

MyLifeIsAverageS 5

liar. your 14. how can you speed? how can you buy cigarettes? Quit trying to be 'cool' cuz you look like an asshole

annaHU4L49 0

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I agree with him for the most part. The comments about smoking isn't fair because not all people that smoke are bad, but I understand where he is coming from. But this dude that posted the FML made some dumb mistakes.

freddie_fml 0

Good. You totally deserved that one, buddy.

Keep your butts in the car. Same thing that happened in Australia happens in Texas all the time too. It's easy to start a fire with burning ashes. Plus, to non smokers, when they see the burning ashes fly on the road from the person in front of them flicking their butt out the window, it makes you look like a self-absorbed jackass.

carriealana 0

That's no one's fault but your own for being careless and stupid. Seriously. I'd sympathize but it's just incredibly stupid.

mikeyellenlee 0

Wow, I can't even feel bad for you. There's a reason certain areas have certain speed limits, sounds like you were in a residential area and you're a real d bag for speeding. I know I grow angry when people speed in my neighborhood, I have an outdoor cat and there are plenty of children. There is also many reasons why you shouldn't throw your cigarette butts out of the window, especially in front of a cop. You should feel really embarrassed. You're a little slow, aren't you?

#13, just because it's legal doesn't mean it's a good thing. My respect for a person drops as well when I find out they smoke, because 99% of them are inconsiderate enough to not care who they smoke around. I don't hate them, but it's a disgusting activity to partake in. But that has nothing to do with this FML. It doesn't matter what you threw out the window. You sped in a 25mph zone, likely where kids play, and you littered. Glad to see justice served.