By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 18:09 - United States - Charlotte

Today, I had an admissions interview at my dream college. I spent hours practicing questions and picking the perfect outfit. It was not until after the interview that I realized I'd scratched a pimple while waiting, and my forehead had been smeared with blood the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 573
You deserved it 4 370

Same thing different taste


thesunsetglow_fml 8
xoconnie 8

Wellllllll, at least it wasnt crap or something :D If the interviewer was a nice guy/woman and does their job well, i'm sure they'll understand and look beyond just your appearance!

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

If they didn't accept you OP then it's their loss. Especially deciding over a bloody pimple.

25- Actually this is the Internet. :/

This is a real fml, cos its something that mite actually happen to all of us at one point..

I read that In Ron Weasly's voice.

Oh really? That isn't why it's on FML, right?

olpally 32

Yes, very good... Any other thoughts about the FML? Also, there's a button for that... As for op, oh well, hopefully you'll get into the college despite an embarrassing moment... It's not like you farted loudly and stunk up the entire room during the interview...

Interesting how #2 is being bashed for not putting too much thought into their comment while #1, who put more or less the same amount of effort into theirs, is being showered with thumbs up...

27 - One at least made a reasonably amusing joke. Two stated the obvious.

Trix_Disorder 20

What 28 meant to say is "at least #1 made a pun."

29 you didn't find it amusing? *tips head sideways* Well what the bloody hell then?

xxmel 6

I'm sure you'll be fine! If everything else was just perfect, I'm sure they're not going to let a little imperfection change their mind. Congrats on the interview. :)

What if the interviewer had to shake hands with the candidate's pimple-juicy fingers?!

Could be a vampire, he might have liked it.

FMMFL1992 3

Can't believe that no one pointed out that you were bleeding.

They will remember you! That's for sure :D

Sometimes it's not good to remember. Like one time my dad got a prostate exam. The last thing that the man with the crap finger said was "the doctor will be in in a minute."

45- I feel as though you made that up. Especially because I've seen it before....alot.

I am guessing no. From reading the FML it is obvious OP is a blood hungry savage who loves the taste of her own blood. Too bad her tongue could not reach her forehead.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5
aleeshttylXD 9

#7 If this was actually The Lion King, it makes me wonder if OP smeared her own blood, and someone else did it for Simba, then how would she hold herself up towards the edge of the cliff?

Wicked361 8

23 you just killed the joke

always bring a mirror! or don't touch your face...i've done that before =[

eddyg94 11

Oh man, that happened to me on a job interview. Not sure if it's worse or not, but the guy told me about it while we were talking...

Hopefully they didn't make a deal out of it and accept you anyway. Good luck OP.