By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 20:56 - United States

Today, I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted. Under anesthesia I told the dentist my entire love life and drug history in detail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 835
You deserved it 14 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao. SOMEONE can't handle their nitrous oxide. i'd hate to see you under the influence of truth serum.

Damn... did it last the entire session? Bloody hell, must have been a pretty long history if it did... that would be awesome :D


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The doctor must have felt awkward.

shelbypoo 0

well just pray that he still gives u a prescription for oxycontin! good thing i dont have to have my wisdom teeth removed :P

Look on the bright side--you've given him a lot of material to beat off to! :X

gypsylover8 0

I did the same thing when my oral surgeon asked me if I had ever been on Nos before

touch_me_im_sick 0

Who cares? It's just your dentist. You're only gonna see him about every 6 months or so anyway.

First off not everyone is put OUT when they have teeth pulled. I had 26 teeth pulled (not all at once) but I was wide awake. However you are unable to speak because of two main reasons 1. the dentist is removing the teeth meaning they are messing with your mouth so you cant talk, and 2. your mouth is so numb that they are unable to understand you nor move your mouth in the first place... so definately not an FML .... PLUS you shouldnt be doing drugs anyway

haha I had my wisdoms extracted under general anaesthetics cos they were growing sideways under my molars... I woke up crying - make that sobbing. Apparently the combination of anaesthetics, teenage hormones and tooth extraction does funny things to people...

and @92: How the hell did you get all your teeth pulled? ALL of them? WTF thats insane! I hope you got some false teeth, otherwise do you just gum your food into submission?

iheartscooter 0

Damn. I'm getting mine pulled on Friday hopefully that doesn't happen to me. Haha #93 I could see that happening to me.

When I got my wisdom teeth out I distinctly remember being so ******* loopy with the laughing gas that when the woman came to check on me and ask how I was doing, I just laughed at her. Also- I pulled my IV out of my arm. Out of a strap on the chair that's supposed to keep you from doing that. I woke up wet thinking I pissed myself. It is ENTIRELY possible to ramble on about anything- and the doctors are more than willing to share what you did with you, because in most cases it's hilarious. Just because you are 'under anesthezia', doesn't mean you can't still freak out. Being knocked out doesn't stop your body from movement, and when coming out of drug-induced sleeps people are often fairly lucid and will speak about random things. What about liquid morphine, guys? Have you ever seen someone on that? They talk about random shit or they freak out thinking people are in their rooms trying to kill them. It's completely random, and you have no control over yourself by that point. The ignorance in the world sometimes frightens me.