By pain in my gums - 27/02/2017 11:30 - Canada - St. John's

Today, I went to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth removed. The surgeon took a better X-ray to see what he was dealing with before he got started. When he came back into the room, he started to laugh and told me it was my lucky day because in the X-rays he found 2 big extra wisdom teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 963
You deserved it 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be glad he found them, now you don't need two surgeries

CrassKal 27

I fail to see the problem here. You're having the surgery anyways, what does two extra teeth matter? I had all four of mine pulled and I was fine the next day. Maybe I had a good doctor or an easy recovery, but honestly it wasn't that bad and I would do it again if I had to.


Be glad he found them, now you don't need two surgeries

You're gonna lose a lot of knowledge today!

CrassKal 27

I fail to see the problem here. You're having the surgery anyways, what does two extra teeth matter? I had all four of mine pulled and I was fine the next day. Maybe I had a good doctor or an easy recovery, but honestly it wasn't that bad and I would do it again if I had to.

zeusdom 15

Have you ever had your wisdom teeth pulled? I'm not sure about the context but I had all 4 of mine pulled at once and no amount of painkillers can stop you from feeling it for at least the first week after the procedure, if OP has 2 extra on top of that, or has to have all 4 removed instead of 2 they're in for a hell of a ride compared to what they originally went in for.

zeusdom 15

*meant to say all your wisdom teeth pulled. Obviously you've had some pulled lol

i had all four of my wisdom teeth out at the same time. the most painful time was when the numbing was wearing off. apart from that, i was fine & didnt need any sort of pain killers.

i had all four of my wisdom teeth out at the same time. the most painful time was when the numbing was wearing off. apart from that, i was fine & didnt need any sort of pain killers.

Jellysweetheart 23

I had one extra one and that side of my mouth was in so much pain that no painkillers helped for an entire extra week.

If by the next day you were absolutely fine despite having four holes in your mouth...look into if you actually ever had wisdom teeth. I think you got scammed.

I must have had one hell of a painkiller then lol

I've had all my wisdom teeth pulled and I never experienced any pain.

My health insurance would only pay for two wisdom teeth removed a year (even though all four of mine were really painful). If OP's in the same boat, finding two extra teeth means waiting through more time of discomfort, an extra surgery, and another week or so of pain and swelling and everything tasting like blood. Which would F your L. Here's hoping you can get them out all at once, OP!

Shadowvoid 33

Depends on the doctor, this may cost more because my dad charges based on the difficulty of the teeth. He's pretty good at it though and patients recover quickly

I only had 2 wisdom teeth. The other 2 never developed. They were embedded in the jawbone and I suffered for WEEKS with pain, and inability to eat, dry socket and my jaw got stuck due to the injections in the joint. Miserable! Any wisdom tooth stories make me cringe for the person. FYL

I can't hit "I agree, you life sucks" enough times to express how much this makes me cringe. Dental pain sucks! The worst part is getting hit with the pain all over again when you get the bill.

Eh, makes little difference. It's five days of suffering for most people regardless of whether they're small or big.

sgdigaetano 3

It wasn't your lucky day, it was his. They charge by the tooth.